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Clearance - End Of Line cheap cut price cutting tools, spade drills, carbide inserts
MGGN 300-ALU AK10 Grooving Insert 3mm wide for Aluminium and Non-ferrous Metals£5.10 £1.90
MGGN 400-ALU AK10 Grooving Insert 4mm wide for Aluminium and Non-ferrous Metals£6.00 £1.90
MGGN 500-ALU AK10 Grooving Insert 5mm wide for Aluminium and Non-ferrous Metals£6.60 £1.90
MGGN 600-ALU AK10 Grooving Insert 6mm wide for Aluminium and Non-ferrous Metals£7.80 £1.90
Precision Live Centre Morse Taper 3 Light Duty Stub Point£33.00 £17.00
RCA08 8016 Carbide Inserts for Copy Milling PVD Coated for Die / Tool Steel Pramet£5.34
RCA10 7010 Carbide Inserts for Copy Milling PVD Coated for Die / Tool Steel Pramet£6.18
RDEX 1604 MOSN 8026 Carbide Inserts for Milling PVD Coated for General Use£10.48 £4.50
SNMG 150612 MD DP25 Carbide Inserts for Turning MT-CVD Coated for Steel£8.16 £3.00
SPMG 050204 DG 9030 Carbide Inserts for Drilling PVD Coated General Use£0.99
SPMG 060204 DG 9030 Carbide Inserts for Drilling PVD Coated General Use£0.99
SPMG 07T308 DG 9030 Carbide Inserts for Drilling PVD Coated General Use£1.20
SPMG 090408 DG 9030 Carbide Inserts for Drilling PVD Coated General Use£1.40
TDS-47030D-40 U-drill 47mm 3xD for SPMG 140512 Inserts£228.57 £72.00
TPKX 1604 PPSN V25F Carbide Inserts for Milling Un-coated for Steel Vandurit£1.00
U-drill 16mm 5xD for SPMG 060204 Inserts£278.98 £110.00
U-drill 18.5mm 3xD for SPMG 060204 Inserts£126.00 £45.00
U-drill 18mm 2xD for SPMG 060204 Inserts£114.00 £50.00
U-drill 19.5mm 4xD for SPMG 060204 Inserts£150.00 £70.00
U-drill 19mm 2xD for SPMG 060204 Inserts£114.00 £45.00
U-drill 19mm 3xD for SPMG 060204 Inserts£126.00 £50.00
U-drill 20mm 2xD for SPMG 060204 Inserts£114.00 £52.00
U-drill 21.5mm 3xD for SPMG 060204 Inserts£126.00 £55.00
U-drill 21.5mm 4xD for SPMG 060204 Inserts£150.00 £55.00
U-drill 21mm 2xD for SPMG 060204 Inserts£114.00 £45.00
U-drill 22mm 3xD for WCGX or WCMX 0402-- Inserts£108.00 £48.00
U-drill 23.5mm 3xD for SPMG 07T308 Inserts£129.00 £49.00
U-drill 23.5mm 4xD for SPMG 07T308 Inserts£182.98 £70.00
U-drill 23mm 2xD for SPMG 07T308 Inserts£129.00 £48.00
U-drill 23mm 4xD for SPMG 07T308 Inserts£182.98 £78.00