Home > Spare Parts > Torx Keys - Drivers
Model: TF8Brand: APT Tools
Shipped Weight: 3 g
9 in stock, no more available
Tools for Indexable Inserts
Torx 8 Flag Key
5506 Torx 6 Flag Key£5.39 £4.85
5507 Torx 7 Flag Key£5.39 £4.85
5508 Torx 8 Flag Key£5.52 £4.97
5509 Torx 9 Flag Key£5.92 £5.33
5510 Torx 10 Flag Key£6.01 £5.41
5515 Torx 15 Flag Key£6.62 £5.96
5520 Torx 20 Flag Key£7.51 £6.76
5530 Torx 30 Flag Key£18.46 £16.61
TF10 Torx 10 Flag Key£2.00 £1.80
TF15 Torx 15 Flag Key£2.00 £1.80
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